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Demo on Tube Light Disposal


Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott organized a demonstration of scientific way of disposal of non functioning tube lights without harming the environment or causing nuisance to the public. On 4th September 2014 two demonstrations were held at the Panchayat Offices of Chandor-Cavorim and Guirdolim.

A Bombay based company Ecoreco separated the mercury from the tube lights which was collected in a separat4e container which is then scientifically disposed. As for the glass and aluminium parts of the tube lights, they are crushed and stored in a drum which is then separated and accordingly disposed off.

While at Chandor Cavorim 320 tube lights were disposed off, at Guirdolim the number of tube lights taken care of was 780. GBE incurred a total expenditure of Rs. 13,750/- for this demonstration.

Following the demonstration, GBE hopes that people will now stop destroying wasted tube lights by breaking them on the road side and instead store them so that they can be scientifically disposed off.

And while most people were suggesting that the government purchase this machine to deal with wasted tube lights in the State, GBE wonders whether it can take up this project which will not only ensure clean and healthy environment but also provide employment opportunity to some unemployed youngsters in the village.