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Alma Khuris desecrated once again

Alma Khuris desecrated once again

The Iconic Alma Khuris at Cavorim was vandalized once again on the intervening night of October 18 and 19 making this the third time when the cross has been desecrated. Residents of Cavorim who were trudging to the Chandor mount to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Piety were shocked to see the vandalized cross in the early morning. This is the third time the cross has been vandalized. The last time it was vandalized was in 2010 where along with the Cross, the bandstand near the church and the cross at the altar at the cemetery was also vandalized. Incidentally the concrete seal installed by Maria Menino Nunes near his general store at Mena Cavorim was also vandalized on the same night. Being a concrete structure the miscreants found it difficult to damage the...

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