Name: Mezilda Colaco
Achivement: Top Ranker at SSC Exams
Having scored 82.84 per cent, 15-year-old Mezilda Colaco was the top ranking student from St. Joseph’s Educational Institute, Chandor at the Secondary School Examinations conducted by the Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education for the year 2012.
Daughter of Martinho and Ida Colaco from Covatem who have now constructed their own bungalow at Fatramoll, Mezilda was a bright student from the beginning of her academic career ranking first at all the examinations starting from I standard.
The marks scored by Mezilda are as follows: English (First Language) – 74, Hindi (Second Language) – 90, Konkani (Third Language) – 84, Mathematics – 81, Science – 90 and Social Science – 78. What is particularly noteworthy about her achievement is the fact that she got these marks on her own strength as she did not go for tuitions in any subject and relied upon her teachers in the school and her own hard work.
Mezilda admits that she never watched television for the whole year, nor did she go out to play much but focused only on her studies. She would start studying at 4 pm and end at 8 pm and it is only this regiment that enabled her to achieve this milestone.
According to her mother Ida, Mezilda would have scored higher marks but she fell sick during the final examinations. In fact she was so sick that if was doubtful that she would be able to answer her examinations, but then everything turned out for the better.
Presently Mezilda has enrolled in the Science stream at Rosary Higher Secondary School, Navelim and very reluctantly reveals that she would like to pursue a career in medicine.
With the determination she has and the way she can be focused on her studies, her dream of becoming a doctor is very much achievable and we at Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott wish her all success!