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Spreading Christmas Cheer with Senior Citizens

Spreading Christmas Cheer with Senior Citizens

Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott held its annual Christmas Party for Senior Citizens of the twin villages of Guirdolim and Chandor-Cavorim on 19th December at the Chandor Club premises with much gusto. Around 300 elders enjoyed the party greatly as there was music, dancing, games and lunch too. Antonio Pereira was in his elements as the host regaling the crowd with his jokes, singing and even accompanying other singers. Truly a compere beyond compare!   Santa Claus on arrival gave sweets specially prepared by Emperor Chocolates of MAAST to those gathered.   While Jalin provided the music with his one man band, villagers Philip Peixoto, Digton Peixoto, Raynen Peixoto and Alysa Rebello formed a musician’s quartet providing melodious music.  Some of the guests...

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Women’s Day Celebrated

Women’s Day Celebrated

Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott (GBE) celebrated International Women’s Day on 11th March 2023 with a short programme at the St Joseph’s Educational Institute hall where the school management, two women hailing from the twin villages and a well-known social activist were felicitated. Students from 7th, 8th and 9th Standard along with some of the staff members attended the programme.            GBE President and General Secretary with the persons felicitated and the citation and shawl that were presented to them GBE President John Fernandes welcomed the gathering where he specially hailed the women members of the organization for its success. St Joseph’s Educational Institute was felicitated for bagging the Wipro Earthian Programme award for the...

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Visiting the sick and elderly

Visiting the sick and elderly

Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott revived its programme of visiting the sick and elderly people living in the twin villages of Guirdolim and Chandor-Cavorim. The sick and elderly living in Cotta area were visited on 12th February while on 19th February those living in Culsabhat ward of Cavorim were visited and on 26th February such residents from New Township in Guirdolim village were visited. Among those visited on 19th February were GBE founder president Rui da Silva who was hospitalized due to an illness and also GBE member Agnel Fernandes. Incidentally, GBE member Domnick Mendes’ father Cyril was also visited on this day. Others visited were Caitana Fernandes, Jerald Fernandes, Timothy Pereira, Aurea Braganza, Deodita Fernandes and Sebastian Mendes. Incidentally, the...

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GBE interacts with PPC on garbage management

GBE interacts with PPC on garbage management

In keeping with its commitment to keep the twin villages of Chandor-Cavorim and Guirdolim neat and clean, Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott interacted with the members of the Nossa Senhora de Belem Parish Pastoral Council on 5th February 2023 with a fervent plea to permit them to participate with the Basic Christian Communities more commonly known as Somudais to educate the villagers on need for cleanliness. GBE President John Fernandes in his introductory speech explained GBE’s commitment to maintain cleanliness and later GBE’s proposal to give an award of Rs. 5,000/- twice a year to the Somudai whose area of jurisdiction is cleanest was told to them. A 8-minute audio-visual presentation on how to manage household waste, how to segregate it and problems caused by...

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Founders Day Celebrated

Founders Day Celebrated

For the first time since its inception in 2008 Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott celebrated Founders Day on 21st January 2023 mainly to give its members and their families an opportunity to interact with one another and understand the aims and objectives of the organization thereby creating a Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott family. “Our members are always doing something or the other for the organization and hence we thought it was apt to give something back to them through this programme where they would just relax,” said founder member, former President and main benefactor of the organization John Douglas Coutinho. GBE President John Fernandes welcomed the gathering. While he initially spoke in English following a strong demand from member Anthony Pereira he then spoke in Goa’s...

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Christmas Party for Senior Citizens in 2022

Christmas Party for Senior Citizens in 2022

Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott held its annual Christmas Party for Senior Citizens on 19th December in the Chandor Club premises which was attended by 230 senior villagers from the twin villages of Guirdolim and Chandor-Cavorim. This programme had Jose Coutinho as the project manager with Gidwan D’Costa and Francis Hanchik Peixoto assisting him as joint project managers and went on smoothly without any bumps or hiccups. The party commenced at 9:30 am and Francisco D’Souza from Modemwado in Guirdolim, who was the first to come to the venue was given a special gift to honour him for his respect for time and being the early bird.       The party was extremely enjoyable and went about smoothly due to the outstanding compering by GBE’s in house minstrel...

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