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Birthday boy’s gift to village

Minush on bikeWhile it is generally expected that anybody celebrating a birthday gets a gift from those who know him, Cavorim in Chandor is blessed with a person who gives a gift to the village on his birthday and that is none other than the very well known Menino Gomes more commonly known as Minush and fondly called Moon.


Minush with othersFor the second consecutive year, Minush cleaned up his village on 1st February which is his birthday. Inspired by his similar act last year, this time he was accompanied by around 25 of his well wishers most of him are members of Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott including its president John Fernandes to clean the twin villages of Guirdolim and Chandor-Cavorim.

BabazinhoIn fact, Fiel Babazinho Dias, member of the Chandor-Cavorim Panchayat joined Minush in the cleaning operations. In fact recognising his commitment for keeping the village clean, the Chandor-Cavorim Panchayat has officially appointed him as a Garbage Supervisor which work he is doing without receiving any payment and only for the love of the village.

Fish vendorMinush is known for seizing plastic potis from fish vendors who come to the village on vehicles to sell fish at people;s door step. “I fail to understand why people take the fish in a plastic bag when they go home and dump it in a container to clean it,” he said pointing out that the fish could be collected in the same container thus reducing the use of plastic.

Minush, son of late Anton Piedade and Nelly Gomes, was earlier working overseas and gave up his job to look after his widowed mother who is not keeping too well.

Minush at coachingHe is an avid lover of football and even manages a football team of  youngsters from the village called Sun, Moon and Stars that participates in smaller tournaments. His love for football sees him very often pressuring the panchayat to keep the only football ground in the village in usable condition so that the youngsters can play there.


Monument beforeMonument before 2The area around the monuments near the Chandor Church before the cleanup




Monument afterMonument after 2


The same area after cleaning