Chandor Club elects new Committee
Highly dedicated and most popular Basilio Fernandes better known as Basil, was in one voice elected as the new President of Chandor Club at the elections held on 27th November 2022. Incidentally of the 19 Managing Committee members the 10 office bearers along with four Trustees were elected unopposed and ballots were cast to elect the five Managing Committee members as there were nine in the fray.
The new committee will manage the affairs of the Club for two years and will have to prepare for the Diamond Jubilee as the Club completes 60 years of its formation in that period.
The General Body meeting of the Club began with all members observing one-minute silence in memory of the members who left for their heavenly abode since the last general body meeting held in 2020.
In his opening remarks outgoing President Felix Furtado pointed out that the pandemic adversely affected the functioning of the Club as not only were its activities restricted but even the income suffered though overall it still had a surplus in its books. Like a silver lining to every dark cloud, he said the pandemic enabled the Club to carry out the much required maintenance work of the premises and added that the work of constructing a kitchen and banquet hall has already commenced.
While thanking the managing committee and Club members for their co-operation and support, Felix had a word of praise for the Chandor Club Football team that had won three of Goa’s oldest football tournaments and emerged as the runners-up in the fourth tournament they participated in. “Special thanks to Sports Secretary Derryk Mendes who successfully managed the team even though it is difficult to do so given the fact that youngsters are joining service specially overseas and onboard at a very young age nowadays,” he said.
Outgoing General Secretary Joy D’Silva read out the minutes of the last General Body meeting held on 29th November 2020 as it could not be held in 2021 due to the pandemic. Incidentally, the new managing committee was elected with Jaret da Silva officiating as the Election Commissioner where Felix Furtado was elected as the President.
Joy D’Silva then read the General Secretary’s report which was adopted without any corrections or questions. While John Douglas Coutinho proposed that the General Secretary’s report be adopted, it was seconded by Derrick Braganza Pereira.
Outgoing Treasurer Martin Fernandes presented the statement of account. As it was circulated to the members present, the same was not read out and was adopted without any query. While Bosco da Silva proposed that the balance sheet be adopted, Christopher Cotta Cruz seconded it. Martin then informed the house that the Club had around Rs. 56 lakhs in bank and Rs. 55 thousand in hand. This announcement was received with a round of applause.
During Any Other Business Celine Coelho Furtado tabled a motion congratulating the outgoing Managing Committee for their stupendous work and applauded them heartily. This motion was adopted unanimously.
The President Felix Furtado informed that the Managing Committee felt it was inappropriate to appoint a receptionist at the Club as it would be difficult for that person, specially if it was a female to remain alone in the premises in the afternoon. He suggested that the new committee can decide on this issue as former President Domnick Mendes suggested that the Club appoint a receptionist particularly to handle the bookings for the premises,
Felix assured that Domnick’s contact number would be removed from the Club website as it was being prepared afresh and would be launched shortly. Besides, the members were informed that the Club would be procuring a mobile phone soon to help in booking the club premises.
Bosco da Silva was informed that solar panels would be installed as soon as the construction of the kitchen and banquet hall which is currently underway will be completed.
General Secretary informed the members that in two years the Club would be celebrating its Diamond Jubilee and urged members to begin planning for it.
As there was no other matter to be discussed, the elections of the new Managing Committee were held next with Julio D’Silva appointed Election Commissioner. He sought Celine Coelho Furtado’s assistance in conducting the elections.
All the office bearers were elected unopposed with Basil Fernandes elected as the new President. His name was proposed by John Douglas Coutinho and seconded by Domnick Mendes. John Douglas Coutinho whose name was proposed by Christopher Cotta Cruz and seconded by Joy D’Silva was declared elected as the Vice President.
Joy D’Silva was elected once again as the General Secretary with Ligorio Dias proposing and Agnelo Fernandes seconding his name. Thomas Pereira was elected Assistant Secretary with Fiel Babazinho Dias proposing and Felix Furtado seconding his candidature.
Martin Fernandes was once again elected as the Treasurer with Domnic Mendes proposing and Silvia D’Silva seconding his name. Ligorio Dias was elected as Assistant Treasurer with Joy D’Silva proposing and Felix Furtado seconding his candidature.
Derryk Mendes was unanimously elected once again as the Sports Secretary. His name was proposed by Celine Coelho Furtado and seconded by Andre Peixote. Pascoal Fernandes and Fiel Babazinho Dias were elected as Assistant Sports Secretaries. While Ligorio Dias proposed and Derrick Braganza Pereira seconded Pascoal Fernandes’ candidature, Fiel Babazinho Dias was proposed and seconded by Felix Furtado and Egidio D’Costa respectively. Incidentally Fiel is also a member of the Chanor-Cavorim village panchayat.
Anthony Pereira was the unanimous choice to be the Cultural Secretary as his name was proposed by Joy D’Silva and seconded by Menino alias Minush Gomes.
Although 10 names were proposed to be members of the Managing Committee, Menino alias Minush Gomes whose candidature was proposed by John Douglas Coutinho and seconded by Celine Coelho Furtado, withdrew leaving only 9 in the fray for which elections were held. While Joy D’Silva helped the Election Commissioner in counting the votes, Felix Furtado and Celine Coelho Furtado kept a record of the votes cast.
The 9 candidates were as follows:
1. Egidio D’Costa proposed by Joy D’Silva and seconded by Felix Furtado
2. Hanan D’Silva proposed by Ligorio Dias and seconded by Felix Furtado
3. Domnick Mendes proposed by Silvia D’Silva and seconded by John Douglas Coutinho
4. Jose Coutinho proposed by Felix Furtado and seconded by Celine Coelho Furtado
5. Derrick Braganza Pereira proposed by Hanan D’Silva and seconded by Egidio da Costa
6. Andre Peixote proposed by Basil Fernandes and seconded by Fiel Babazinho Dias
7. Bosco da Silva proposed by Welesley Vaz and seconded by Christopher Cotta Cruz
8. Anthony Colaco proposed by Ligorio Dias and seconded by Derrick Braganza Pereira
9. Caetan Gomes proposed by Ligorio Dias and seconded by Derrick Braganza Pereira.
Although 66 members had registered for the General Body meeting only 57 cast their ballots of which one was declared invalid as instead of voting for five members that ballot had six names. Two members voted for only four candidates instead of five for the managing committee while one member voted for only three members. Interestingly Menino alias Minush despite withdrawing, secured two votes.
The five candidates who polled the highest number of votes are Egidio D’Costa (50), Derrick Braganza Pereira (44), Jose Coutinho (37), Anthony Colaco (33) and Domnick Mendes (33). They were declared elected as Managing Committee members.
Other candidates polled Hanan D’Silva – 30, Bosco da Silva – 16, Andre Peixote – 13 and Caetan Gomes – 12 votes.
As three persons whose names were proposed withdrew namely Celine Coelho Furtado, Bosco da Silva and Francis Coutinho the four Trustees were elected unopposed. Incidentally Celine was proposed by Tony Coutinho and seconded by John Douglas Coutinho while Bosco da Silva’s name was proposed Joy D’Silva and seconded by Felix Furtado and Francis Coutinho was proposed by Egidio D’Costa and seconded by Celine Coelho Furtado.
The four elected as Trustees are: Felix Furtado proposed by Joy D’Silva and seconded by Martin Fernandes; John Fernandes proposed by Domnick Mendes and seconded by Ligorio Dias; Hanan D’Silva proposed by Ligorio Dias and seconded by Fiel Babzinho Dias and Emerson Britto proposed by Domnick Mendes and seconded by John Douglas Coutinho.
The general body unanimously resolved that the Club should not have internal auditors and restrict itself to external audit only and as such selection of two auditors was waived.
As Felix Furtado officially handed over charge to the new President Basil Fernandes, Basil assured the members that he would strive to keep the Chandor Club flag flying high and urged all members to participate in all the activities of the club. He acknowledged the contribution of Fernando Coutinho who has served the Club for the longest period as a president and also recalled how former president Domnick Mendes along with John Douglas Coutinho shed their time and energy and literally everything to get the club premises constructed to make it one of the best premises in the entire State.
The general body meeting ended with fellowship.
The new Managing Committee of Chandor Club with President Basil Fernandes at the centre