Chandor Gets Trained First Aiders
Thanks to the initiative taken by Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott and duly supported by the Rotary Club of Cuncolim, the village of Chandor today has 15 trained first aiders along with two persons obtaining the Basic Life Support Proficiency Certificate.
The course on first aid was organized by Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott and was conducted by St John Ambulance Association, Goa – which is an internationally recognized institute. In fact the certificate issued by the organization is recognized the world over and has been used by many to secure well paying jobs in the West.
The course was conducted on 22nd, 25th and 26th October by Dr. Jorson Fernandes, Ms Remmy, Ms Lara and Ms Nikita from St. John Ambulance Association. In all 20 people from Chandor attended the course but only 17 were issued certificates as the others did not turn up to answer the examinations.
While Ameiia Gomes from Cavorim was the top scorer at the examination, GBE member Cynthia Pereira secured the second highest marks. Both were presented special bags by Dr. Jorson. The others who qualified as First Aiders were: Verodiana Andrade, Emilia Socorrina Fernandes, Fanny D’Silva, Obita Colaco, Viana Fernandes, Joana Antao, Sebastiana Cardozo, Rosalina Gracias, Juliet Pereira and Catherine Pereira GBE members Irene Antao, Tiago da Silva, Julio D’Silva and Sandra da Costa also qualified as First Aiders.
The two who secured Basic Life Support Proficiency Certificate were Jannet Fernandes and GBE member Darwin Cardozo.
Rotary Club of Cuncolim sponsored all the participants for the course and hence they did not have to pay any amount.
At a function held on 26th October, Dr. Jorson hoped the good relationship between Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott and Rotary Club of Cuncolim would continue. Incidentally, last year Rotary Club of Cuncolim had given GBE three wheel chairs to be given to the needy people in the village which have been well used.
Retired seaman Tiago da Silva while revealing that he too had undergone such a course because of his employment said the present one was more comprehensive and easier to follow than what they had undergone.