Christmas Party for Senior Citizens in 2022
Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott held its annual Christmas Party for Senior Citizens on 19th December in the Chandor Club premises which was attended by 230 senior villagers from the twin villages of Guirdolim and Chandor-Cavorim.
This programme had Jose Coutinho as the project manager with Gidwan D’Costa and Francis Hanchik Peixoto assisting him as joint project managers and went on smoothly without any bumps or hiccups.
The party commenced at 9:30 am and Francisco D’Souza from Modemwado in Guirdolim, who was the first to come to the venue was given a special gift to honour him for his respect for time and being the early bird.
The party was extremely enjoyable and went about smoothly due to the outstanding compering by GBE’s in house minstrel Anthony Pereira who was backed and supported by Domingos Cardoso who became the co-compere. Incidentally Domingos postponed his departure to the Middle East where he is working, in order to be present for the party.
Those gathered were kept entertained by Jalin D’Cruz who has his own one man band. He also had Jelvy Furtado supporting him on the vocals.
Besides, GBE members Anthony Pereira, Domingos Cardoso and Domnick Mendes sang songs individually or as duos and even all three together which was truly amazing. Domingos sang a special song on the village of Chandor commenting on some of the novels existing therein.
Some of the participants also sang songs and Jalin provided them musical accompaniment. Annie Gomes set the ball rolling for the participants to sing. Other participants who sang were Quietera D’Souza, Rafael D’Costa, Magdalene Cardoso, Nicolao Antao from Cotta, Conceicao Vales who lives in the home for the aged at Cotta and Domnick or Domingos Cardoso from Guirdolim.
Incidentally, Domingos has been singing for each and every such party organized by GBE. Ida Antao from Villa Formosa sang a song which was a mixture of Konkani and Portuguese and was much appreciated.
. Domingos Peixote played two songs on the mouth organ including the Carol ‘Jingle Bells’
How could there be a party without dancing and compere Anthony Pereira along with Maria Bernadette Teles Coutinho who is GBE General Secretary’s mother were the first to take to the floor as a couple. There were many other couples dancing including a GBE member who had her knee replaced partnering another member who underwent an amputation.
Santa Claus also led the participants in a march where many of those present merrily joined
That the party is becoming popular with the senior citizens was evident in the fact that Julio Lawrence Fernandes from Guirdolim came for it in his wheel chair while 4 year old Ansel Mascarenhas from Cotta accompanied his maternal grandfather Avelinho Coutinho.
Honorary Member of GBE Rajama Gomes conducted a game in Konklish which had the participants counting numbers one to ten in alternate languages of Konkani and English. This game was won by Rosy Antao from New Township. Incidentally Rajama had conducted games for the first such party held in 2009 at the Chandor School compound.
Founder member of GBE Darwin Cardoso gave away some spot prizes which were bagged by 96 year old Minguel Antao from Colosso for being the oldest senior citizen present for the party while Bullana D’Souza from New Township bagged the prize for being the youngest senior citizen. Olga Menezes who has been participating in most of these parties organized by GBE won the prize for correctly stating where the first party for Senior Citizens organized by GBE was held. Rita Martins walked away with a prize for having the largest number of descendants including children, grandchildren and great grand children.
The oldest and youngest senior citizen at the party and Olga Menezes receiving their prizes
Fr. Jean Ruby da Cruz e Fernandes who is the parish priest of Chandor Parish came to share his thoughts on the season. He said Christmas was a celebration of God’s love for mankind and urged the people never to entertain discouragement but take each day as a gift from God. He appreciated GBE for not only organnising the party to share their love for the senior citizens but also for the good work they do in the village particularly in maintaining cleanliness and greenery.
The participants were provided chutney sandwiches and vegetable soup as snacks and at the end with lunch that had salad, pickle, chicken xacuti, Kabuli chana baji and vegetable pulav. For desert, it was the favourite Goan delicacy dodol. The food was prepared by Alba Gomes from Cavorim.
The party ended with GBE President John Fernandes thanking all those who attended and donated generously to meet its expenses. He specially thanked all the members who worked hard to organize it specially he female members. John appreciated the members’ hard work as they personally wrapped the gift the previous day and served and attended to the senior citizens at the party and in a very special way for Domingos who postponed his departure to be present for the function. He also thanked Chandor Club for giving their premises to hold the party for senior citizens.
In keeping with GBE’s commitment to environment protection the Christmas tree had only balloons and paper buntings for decoration and the gift for the participants was packed in a cloth bag that could be used for shopping thus negating the need to have goods packed in plastic. And as against the normal trend of having a portly Christmas Father, Santa Claus at this party was slim emphasizing the need to be healthy and trim.
The senior citizens were given a blanket as Christmas gift which was wrapped in a cloth bag and GBE members wrapped the gifts themselves the previous day