GBE Celebrates Vanmahotsav
Having successfully planted saplings in the past which have now grown into sturdy trees, Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott this year undertook an ambitious project of planting 500 saplings as part of Vanmahotsav celebrations in the twin villages of Chandor-Cavorim and Guirdolim.
The programme that was launched on 6th July 2022 had the Range Forest Officer Narayan Vaingankar and Chandor Parish Priest Fr. Jean Ruby da Cruz Fernandes as the joint chief guests. Forest Guards of the Goa Forest Department, Shantesh Naik, Ashok Naik and Santosh Naik were also present.
Saplings were planted primarily in the open spaces by the roadside after taking permission from the owners of the land and church property around the cemetery and surrounding areas.
Fruit bearing trees like Almonds or Badam, Jamun or Jamblam in Konkani, Amla called Awla in Konkani, Jackfruit, Grapefruit or Torangi in Konkani, Guava and Chickoo were planted along with flowering plants like yellow and pink Champas, yellow, red and orange Gulmohar and the mesmerizing and very shady Satna. Although Jamun, Amla and Grapefruit are considered medicinal plants, Neem saplings were also planted.
In all GBE brought 250 flowering including Neem saplings and 140 fruit bearing saplings from the Research and Utilisation Division of the Goa Forest Department. As on 22nd August 2022, 150 saplings were planted in Guirdolim including 70 fruiting trees while 240 were planted in Chandor-Cavorim amongst which were 100 fruit bearing trees.
In property belonging to the Fabrica of Chandor church around the cemetery 100 saplings were planted and these included 80 flowering plants that will provide shade and 20 fruit bearing trees. Besides, in front of the church by the side of the pathway leading to the Monte 30 saplings including 10 of fruit bearing trees were planted. Incidentally 15 saplings planted earlier by GBE which had died were also replaced.
The road from Gudi leading to Chandor will be very shady and beautiful in some years as 31 saplings of which 25 are the flowering Champa trees have been planted. Besides, saplings have also been planted by the road side leading from Alma Khuris to Cavorim.
All the saplings planted were provided with tree guards to protect them from animals and vandals. However, some saplings that were planted at Cavorim near the Government Primary School premises were damaged by vandals.
GBE’s efforts had a minor setback in Guirdolim where owner of the land by the roadside initially gave permission to plant the saplings. However, when the actual work was being done, the permission was withdrawn at the behest of one villager who is opposed to the organization.
GBE members and some well-wishers of the organization sponsored 470 tree guards and also the protective cover laid for them. Around 50 tree guards from earlier plantations undertaken were repaired and used this time for the saplings planted near the cemetery.
Earlier GBE had planted Bayo trees at Igorjebhat at the beginning of the Misamer road. These have grown into sturdy trees giving the area a beautiful look particularly in the summer when the yellow flowers adorn the trees.
Similarly, the saplings planted by the side of the road leading to the cemetery have also grown into trees. Other places where GBE undertook plantations earlier are by the side of the pathway leading to the Monte from the Church and on either side of the St Anthony Chapel at Cavorim.