GBE Gets New Managing Committee
Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott at its annual general body meeting held on 7th July 2018 unanimously elected a new Managing Committee headed by Julio D’Silva as the President. The elections were conducted by Felix Furtado who volunteered to be the Election Commissioner.
It may be recalled that Julio D’Silva was the founder general secretary when the Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott was formally registered with the Registrar of Co-operative Societies 10 years ago and served as the general secretary till May 2015. His name was proposed by Michael Pereira and seconded by John D Coutinho.
Maria Mascarenhas and Irene Antao were elected as the two vice presidents. Incidentally both Maria and Irene were members of the earlier managing committee. While Maria’s name was proposed by Julio and seconded by Domnic Mendes, Irere was proposed by Maria and seconded by Domnic.
Alzira Pereira who is a founder member of the organization and is very active participating in all the programmes was elected the General Secretary. Her name was proposed by John D Coutinho and seconded by Tiago da Silva.
The organisation’s most popular vocalist Anthony Pereira was elected the Joint Secretary who will assist the general secretary. His name was proposed by outgoing president Darwin Cardoso and seconded by John Douglas Coutinho.
Anand Shirodkar who was the outgoing Treasurer was re-elected to the post. His name was proposed by John Douglas Coutinho and seconded by Alzira Pereira.
There were 11 names proposed for the six posts of managing committee members. However, as Sita Antao, Domnic Mendes, John Douglas Coutinho and Menino alias Minush Gomes withdrew on grounds that they are always there for GBE activities including meeting, the other seven were elected unanimously.
The managing committee members are Serena Antao who was a member of the previous managing committee too. Her name was proposed by Alzira Pereira and seconded by Irene Antao
Sucorro Fernandes who is from Culsabhat has been elected for the first time to the Managing Committee. His name was proposed by Sita Antao and seconded by John Douglas Coutinho,
Francisco Coutinho who is also from Culsabhat and who was the project manager for two programmes held by the previous committee has been elected to the Managing Committee for the first time.
Antonio Colaco from Cotta whose tenure as managing committee member had ended in 2015 has been elected again after a gap of three years. His name was proposed by Domnic and seconded by Julio.
Fanny Coutinho who is the sister of Francisco Coutinho has been elected to the managing for the first time. Her name was proposed by Sita Antao and seconded by Domnic.
Emerson Britto who is the son of Irene Antao and has been active for quite some time with the organization was elected to the managing committee. His name was proposed by Julio and seconded by Maria.
Benito Coutinho was a special member of the organization as he was a minor has since attained adulthood and was elected to the managing committee with John Douglas proposing his name which was seconded by Domnic.
Alzira Pereira
Anand Shirodkar
Anthony Pereira
Benito Coutinho
Emerson Britto
Fanny Coutinho
Francisco Coutinho
Irene Antao
Julio DSilva
Maria Mascarenhas
Serena Antao
Sucoro Fernandes