Interacting with the Guirdolim, Chandor-Cavorim Village Panchayat members
Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott had a healthy interaction with members of the Guirdolim and Chandor-Cavorim Village Panchayats in the last threenmonths where various ideas aimed at making life easier for the inhabitants of the two villages were discussed.
The Guirdolim panchayat agreed to undertake a survey of the migrants living in the village including those living in rental premises. This was decided upon in a bid to increase the revenue of the panchayat so that more funds can be collected to do more work in the village.
The panchayat members disclosed that they are in the process of fitting up CCTV cameras at the hot spots in the village where people dump their garbage thus creating a mess and nuisance. Again this proposal was to increase the revenue as those dumping garbage by the roadside would be fined.
Four of the seven members of the Guirdolim Village Panchayat participated in the interaction held on 11th December 2023 and they were Sarpanch Sonia Fernandes, Deputy Sarpanch Joao Peixote, panchas Donaldo Peixoto and Milagrina Gomes e D’Costa. Franky Rodrigues, Ballu Nistani and Flavia Fijardo abstained from the meeting.
At the interaction with members of the Chandor-Cavorim Village Panchayat held on 1st October 2022 which was attended by all the seven elected panchayat members, GBE asserted that they are there to help and support the panchayat and asked the elected body to make use of their organization.
It was decided to have a meaningful dialogue with the Cavorim Communidade to that a proper place could be identified to set up the Material Recovery Facility.
The panchayat was also urged to undertake a survey of the population of the village and also identify the reason why large tracts of agricultural fields are lying fallow despite the village being irrigated by the Paroda Canal.
Incidentally, Guirdolim Deputy Sarpanch Joao Peixoto has joined GBE since his election to the panchayat while GBE member Fiel Babazinho Dias is elected to the Chandor-Cavorim Village Panchayat.