Ladainha held
Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott held their annual ladainh or litany after a two year gap on 28th May 2022 at 5 pm. The gap was due to the pandemic.
As against the normal practice of having the litany at the Cross on top of the hillock at Ghottmorod, this year it was held at the Cross at the ground level.
While some members expressed their inability to climb the hillock, the pre monsoon showers also forced a change in the venue which resulted in a record 43 participants including some local residents.
Anthony Pereira as usual led the singing ably backed by Miguel Mascarenhas. Cypriano Fernandes was on the guitar and Venon Andrade on snare better known as ‘reng teng’ colloquially. Other GBE members who sang the litany were Irene and Suzie.
In all 5 hymns were sung of which the first was in Latin and the others in Konkani. Anthony Pereira also said a short prayer asking for the Lord’s blessings on all GBE activities.
The litany was followed by a fellowship at which Miguel and Maria prepared ‘batka’, Sebastian brought cake, Ligorio got ‘pinagr’, Sita and Irene served boiled grams with coconut pieces and Mickson served chicken stew. John Douglas sponsored the candles, ‘dhump’, flowers, soft drinks, water, tea and more ‘batka’.
In keeping with GBE’s commitment to environment protection no crackers were lit nor was any waste left behind at the site.
The programme ended with General Secretary Sita Antao thanking everyone who participated in the ladainha.