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New Chandor Parish Pastoral Council Constituted

Church 2The Parish Pastoral Committees of Our Lady of Bethlehem Church and St Francis Xavier Chapel, Guirdolim were constituted recently as the terms of the previous committees expired.

The Chandor Church PPC has 64 members elected by the 32 Somudais affiliated to it while 28 persons are elected by the 14 Somudais affiliated to the Guirdolim Chapel.

While Parish Priest Fr Jean da Cruz Fernandes heads the Chandor PPC as the Chairman, Assistant Parish Priest Fr Afzal Fernandes is also a member. Fr James Torres e Silva heads the Guirdolim Chapel PPC as the Chaplain there. Incidentally the Chandor PPC consists of 85 members.

Following are the 64 representatives of the 32 Somudais affiliated to Our Lady of Bethlehem Church, Chandor:

The St Bernard Somudai of Bindimoll/Doneamoll is represented by Julie Tereza and Lancia Cardoso while the St Monica Somudai of Molla-Sailabhat is represented by Lucia Coutinho and Amanda Peixoto.

While the St Bonifacio Somudai of Voily 3 is represented by Piedade Jackline Dias and Selma Fernandes, the St Benedite Somudai of Voily 2 is represented by Betty Fernandes and Cresencia Dias.

Lancy Menezes and Suzie Pereira represent the St Clement Somudai of Voily 2 and St Constancio Somudai of Voily 1 is represented by Ema Dias and Glanda Fernandes.

St Joaquim Somudai of Voily 1 is represented by Reena Gomes and Tina Gomes while Veiona Fernandes and Beatriz Pereira represent the St Pio Somudai of Mireagirem and Celine Alick along with Fatima Rebello are elected from the second Somudai in Miriagirem named St Cosme Somudai.

St Judas Somudai of Diasvaddo is represented by Pedrina Fernandes and Ovita Colaco.

While Robert Cardoso and Renisha Dias represent St Rita Somudai of Baimorod-Raurora the other Somudai here called St Joseph Somudai is represented by Gabriel Pereira and Iona Fernandes.

St Mark Somudai of Cantivaddo is represented by Elizabeth D’Costa and Faye Andrade.

Of the two Somudais in Igorjebhatt, St John Baptist Somudai is represented by Jessie Vales and Christalina Rodrigues while Rosy D’Costa and Manisha Correia represent the St Blaise Somudai.

While Nebraska Antao and John Fernandes represent the St Luke Somudai of Culsabhatt the other one called St Andre Somudai in the same area, is represented by Melroy Pereira and Ivonne Antao.

Mena Cavorim has two Somudai and St Barbara Somudai is represented by Priscilla Fernandes and Tracy D’Souza while St Christopher Somudai is represented by Sunria Rebello and Maria Frernandes.

Similarly, Covatem has two Somudais, St Bartolome and St Vincente. Netty D’Silva and Sandra Peixoto represent the first while Richard Crasto and Fiona Cardozo represent the second.

New Township again has two Somudais namely St Alphonso  and St Vianey with Telma Hilario and Eulalia Colaco representing the first one and Antonio Vas and Maria Fernandes representing the second.

St Augustine and St Thomas are two Somudais in Colloso and Wilma Pereira along with Sucorina Antao represent the first while the second is represented by Princy Fernandes and Teodorio Antao.

St Thereza Somudai of Villa Formosa is represented by Pasquelina Dias and Mario Peixoto and the second one St Sebastian in the same area is represented by Jose Peixoto and Joyceila Mascarenhas.

St Jerome Somudai of Pocklemoll is represented by Jackline D’Costa and Alfrida Monteiro.

St Catherine  and St John Paul are two Somudais in Anthoi 1 with Arcangela Costa and Gretta Andrade representing the frist and Ema Cardoso and Valeria Fijardo representing the second.

Similarly Anthoi 2 has two Somudais namely St Domnic and St Aloysius. Brian Pereira and Marianita Cardoso represent St Domnic and Concy Dourado and Aelita Vaz represent St Aloysius.

There are 18 ex-officil members of the PPC that include Fr James Torres e Silva, Chaplain of St Francis Xavier Chapel and Fr Siran Rebelo, Superior of Palloti Jyothi Niwas and 16 representatives of different associations or establishments, who are as follows:

Jose Antao and Mathew Dias as Attorney and Treasurer respectively of the Fabrica and Agnelo Fernandes as President of Satismo Sacramento de Confraria.

And while Joy D’Silva is there as Attorney of St Anthony Chapel at Cavorim, Fatima Fernandes is there as Attorney of St Tiago Chapel at Cotta.

Aplonio Cardoso is a member as Treasurer of St Piety Chapel at Baimorod and Fermina Fernandes is there as President of Legion of Mary.

Piety Dias represents the Liturgy Committee and Clareta D’Costa is the President of Catecatical Committee.

 Sharon Mascarenhas is there as President of St Vincente de Paul while Xavier Dias is there as President of Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

Ancy Antao and Artimisia Mendes are on the PPC as Presidents of Spiritual Brethren and SFO respectively.

While Simon Vaz represents Couples for Christ, Rylan Furtado is there as President of Parish Youth Association and Jacklene Rebelo the clerk at the Parish office is also an ex-officio member.

Besides three persons namely, Tiburcio Dourado, Rosy Antao and Ligorio Dias are nominated to the PPC by the Parish Priest.

Guirdolim chapelThe following 28 persons are elected to represent the 14 Somudais affiliated to St Francis Xavier Chapel, Guirdolim:

Both the Somudais at Moll I and Moll II are called St Paul and while the first is represented by Natalina Estibeiro and Magna Antao the second is represented by Valeta Rebello and Viola Fijardo.

Felency Fernandes and Valina Gomes are elected to represent the St James Somudai at Modemvaddo while Brenda da Costa and Julie Dias are elected to St Roque Somudai at Marod.

The St Peter Somudai at Revorda will be represented by Egima D’Costa e D’Souza and Guilhermina Rodrigues while John F Peixoto and Concy Fernandes will represent the St Philip Somudai at Niamorod.

Veena Fernandes and Ramira D’Souza are elected by members of St Alex Somudai at at Roinibhatt while St Lawrence Somudai at Covatem, Guirdolim will be represented by Margarida Cardoso and Daphne Cardoso.

The St Anne Somudai at Amblimoll will be represented by Rovina Fernandes and Emanuel Fernandes and St Ignatius Somudai at Canttem is represented by Selza D’Souza along with Antonieta Gonsalves.

While Milena Colaco and Janety Cardozo will represent the St Gabriel Somudai at Kotting-Gainall, St Marta Somudai at Bacho is represented by Fatima Kuzur and Ruby Fernandes.

St Mathew Somudai at Bandul-Ponsabhatt is represented by Roseena D’Costa and Farida Fijardo while Telma Gomes along with Conceicao Carvalho will represent the St Anthony Somudai at Gall.

John Fernandes from Culsabhatt is the Moderator of Chandor PPC while Rosy Antao nominated by the Parish Priest is elected the Vice Moderator.

Hailing from Colloso, Teodorio Antao is the new Secretary with Guilhermina Rodrigues from Revorda as the Joint Secretary and Mathew Dias who is the Fabrica treasurer is PPC treasurer also.