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Orientation for new panchayat members


Chandor panchayat_workshopGanv Bhavancho Ekvott organized an Orientation Programme for newly elected panchayat member that evoked a very good response with nearly 20 elected member participating along with around 15 villagers.
While initially the panchayat members were appraised of their duties and responsibilities, they were also guided on going about doing their work and were strongly advised to delegate the work through the various committees made mandatory now.
Some former sarpanchas and panchayat member complained of being dominated by the Secretary who did not allow them to function with threats of complaining to the BDO. They were told this was happening because earlier the elected representatives used to not read the Panchayati Raj Act and asked to challenge the Secretary to quote the provision of law under which he was not listening to the panchayat.
One former sarpanch complained of being saddled with a Secretary who was an alcoholic and the government was not taking any action against him despite complaints. He was advised to activate the gram sabha against the Secretary and complain afresh against the secretary.
While major section of the programme was for the elected members a small section also elaborated on the duties and responsibilities of the villagers by virtue of being a gram sabha member.
Celine Coelho Furtado one of the participants appreciated the programme and said it was very enlightening as despite reading the Act many things were made clear in the programme and complimented the faculty Julio D’Silva who was assisted for the power point presentation by Cecilia D’Silva.
While five years back Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott had organized this programme only for elected members of Guirdolim and Chandor-Cavorim, this time elected representative of Village Panchayats of Macasana, Paroda and Ambaulim were also invited. In all 3 sarpancha, 1 deputy sarpanch and 20 panchayat members participated in the programme.