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In our younger days when anyone mentioned that India would be a Superpower in the 21st century it was a little difficult to believe. But we made it happen and now we are No.1 in the world. Not only that this will be the third time that my village Chandor will have the honour of receiving the Global award for being the BEST VILLAGE and a role model for others to emulate and that too from the hands of our Worthy Prime Minister who is the son of the soil of Chandor.

Right through the ages our village has had a rich cultural heritage and shared a very important place in history. Our beautiful river Khushawati has enchanted people who flocked around her and has continued to make us prosperous. Due to the abundant source of fresh water all year around we have the distinction of having the largest granary in the state to store rice which is cultivated and harvested twice a year on a large scale. We villagers have been hardworking since time immemorial and this too has contributed a lot towards this success. We have a Farmers Co-operative Society which regularly trains our youth to use the latest technology to get maximum yield .the Co-op society has been doing a good job giving a good price to the farmers. Our Hon.PrimeMinister has reiterated that Chandor is the only village which is self sufficient and has 100%employment and 100% literacy.

We have a number of heritage sites and heritage homes. A large number of our youth are employed in the service sector catering to the needs of tourists which is generating a lot of revenue. We have a hotel of International Repute CHANDOR PRIDE situated in our village where tourists enjoy coming. We have also started boat cruises which have become a major hit and are one of the major tourist attractions. Our old Railway station is also well preserved and is a great tourist attraction. For those seeking adventure while being gainfully employed there is a Marine Institute ST. CHRISTOPHER’S MARINE INSTITUTE which trains our youth to join the sea as deck officers or engineers. We also have an engineering, medical and dental college with excellent faculty. Many of our qualified youth are teaching in these institutions. There is a Management College enabling students to become MBA’S and pursue their dreams. The roads of Chandor are well connected by road and rail to all parts of the country and the world and this has facilitated students and teachers from all over the globe to learn the techniques adopted by us.Chandor has become the hotspot of learning.

But the best of all is our superb Garbage Management System. At 3 places in Chandor garbage is collected and segregated into organic and inorganic waste. The organic waste is treated and converted into manure and piped gas. As a result the entire village is self sufficient in gas production and has no need for gas cylinders. With the rich compost manure being churned out all our gardens are blooming and coconuts, fruits, vegetables n fields are bursting forth thus giving us rich profits. All the people are gainfully employed and hence there is no poverty in our village.

There is also an association of Senior Citizens many of whom are directors of various educational institutions in our village and others who provide invaluable advice to the Farmers Co-op Society. This association takes care of the weak and old. There is a state-of-art hospital CHANDOR GAONKAR’S HOSPITAL close to the market place and people from all over Goa and neighbouring states as well as foreign tourists avail these facilities.

Our beautiful village Chandor is attracting people from all over the world and team are flying to study our strategy and emulate us so that they too can have a green and modern world. Earlier the villagers had to travel to the city to buy goods. Now it is the other way around with people from surrounding areas coming to our village to get a good bargain.

To top it all Our NATION SPACE TEAM which is the World’s Best Team has two eminent scientists from Chandor and a number of PILOTS and AIR FORCE PILOTS are from Chandor too!! What more could we ask for.

Mrs Brenda Savio D’Silva



Mhojea bhurgeaponnar zorui khonei mhuntlem zalear amcho desh Bharot, 21vea xenkdeant, ek super power zatlo mhonn zalear sotmandunk chodd avgodd zatalem. Punn hem ghoddun ailem ani ami tem korun dakhoilem ani aiz ami sonvsarant poile suvater assat. Tor 2021vea vorsant mhozo ganv Chandorak raxtria pattalicher inam favo zala karonn mhozo ganv sonvsarantlo sorvuttom (best) ganv asa ani to dusrea ganvank ek nomunno zala. Ho puroskar mhojea ganvank amchea desacho bhou manadik Prodhan Montri-chea hantantlean favo zala ani toknnaechi goxtt mhonnllear amcho Prodhan Montri mhojeach ganvcho suputr asa.

Adinch thavn mhozo ganv poramporik (heritage) ganv mhonn ollkholo zata ani mhojea ganvank itihasik moll asa. Amchi sobhit nodi Kushawati aple vhodd monbulaunne gunnan lokank voddun addun ghirestkaien ganvank bhorit asa. Tichen bhorpur nitol ani xitol udko vorvim mhojea ganvant voros bhor favo sarkem pikhavol upzota ani hakach lagon mhojea ganvant ek vhod orouacho koddo (granary) bandlea. Amchea ganvchi ‘Xetkamoteanchi Sounstha’ amchea tornatteank novea iontronachi ani poddotichi xikovnn toxench proxikxonn dita. Hakach lagon mhojea ganvant bhorpur utponn zata.

Amcho ganv purnn toren ganv purto (self sufficient) asa — 100 tok’ke kam-dhondo mhonnche bekari nach ani 100 tok’ke xikxit lok aslolea karonnak lagun amchea Prodhan Montrean amkam ho inam dila. Mhojea ganvant zaiteo imaroti asat dekunuch amche tornatte thoinsor vavrun aplem udorposson kortat ani ganvchi progotti zata. Mhojea ganvant ‘Chandor Pride’ nanvachem ontor-raxtrik hotel asa ani tea bhair patmarincher bhovddi (boat cruises) korpachi sondhi asa dekhun zaite bhaile yatrikar mhojea ganvant ietat. Tech borobor amchem adlem relve istaxon sambhallun dovorlolean tem atam poriottank mhojea ganvant haddpachem ek borem vahan zalam.

Mhojea ganvant St. Christopher’s Marine Institute asa ani khasgi Medical kolej, Dental kolej ani Engineering kolej asa zantunt uxear ani zannar xikxok asat. Toxench ek Management kolej asa zantunt tornatte MBA korun aplem sopnam purim kortat. Mhozo ganv xikxonnacho ek mhotto vattar zala.

Punn soglea vhonn toknaiechem asa amchi kochro upeog korpachi poddot (waste management system). Kochro apleach suvater kusta ani nam kusta toso koxin kaddun tachem sarem korun lokank mellta ani toxench gas zata ti lok aplea ghoramni vapurta. Mhojea ganvant ‘zantte ani zannar’ hanchi ek sounstha asa ani tancho faido kaddunk tankam veg-vegllea sounsthamni unchle zage favo kelleat. Dusre lok asa tancho xettamni ani dusre udeogamni vaprun ganvchem sudharop zalam. Chandor Gaunkar Ispitol, hem famad ispitol mhojea ganvant asun nhoim fokot amchea ganvchea lokank punn zaite bhaileank hanga ilaz mellta.

Adim amche ganvche lok dusrea ganvamni vo xaramni vochun aplo bazar kortale zalear aiz dusrea ganvche lok mhojea ganvant aplo bazar korunk ietat. Xevttak sangpachem mhonnlear amchea desachea Rastri Ontrolik Khateant (National Space Agency) mhoje ganvche dog vangddi asat ani mhojea ganvche nhoich bhav punn zaiteo bhoinnim legit Viman pilot ani Air Force pilot asat. Hachea vhon ani kiteachi amchean opekxa korunk zata?

Brenda Savio D’Silva




Chandor ho mozo zolmacho ganv. Hea ganvant hanv vaddlam anik zolmolam. Chandor hea mhojea ganvank adim “CHANDRAPURA” mhonntale. Temzaun aslem Gõychem poilem rajdhani xhar mhonn aiz ithias amkam sangta. Hi zonn eka Chandorchea putak vo dhuvek ek obhimanachi gozal zaun assa. Punn hem ek purvil’lem itlem famad xhar assonui tacho kaim favo titlo vikas zaunk na hem polleleun teach ganvchea putak vo dhuvek ek lojechi gozal.

Atam fudlea kaim vorsam vo 2021 mhollear ho mhozo ganv khoinche dhixer astolo hem chintlear mhojea monant khas toreche vichar upzotat. Poile suvater Chandor mhozo ganv Gõychem poilem rajdhani xhar aslem hem monant dhorlear aiz hea ganvcho bhorpur vikas zaunk zai also. Punn amchea durdoivan tem toxem zaunk na anik hachem mukhel karonn mhollear ho amchea ganvchem kharbar cholloitelancho svarth. Aiz kitlinch vorsam zalim he apsvarthi munis mhojem ganvchem kharbar choloitat pun tankam aplea ganvchem chodd poddon vochunk na, bogor aplea svarthachem. Tankam fokt aplem anik apleak tenko asleleanchem borem zalear puro, hench tanchem dhoronn zal’lem asa. Na zalear mhozo ganv khub fuddem pavpacho, khas naum lokik zaupacho. Oslea ap-svarthi monache amunxeanchea hathant hea ganvcho kharbar asso porian, 2021 mhollear ho mhozo ganv khoim pautolo hem sangunk mhka kottin zata.

Punn borea nitoll monachea anik ganvcho mog aslolea munxeanchea hathant hea ganvchem kharbar podlem zalear Chandor ho mhozo ganv khub fuddem chant martolo. Hea borea munxeanim boreo-boreo lokachea faideacheo evzonneo toiar korchi goroz assa. Amchim xetamch padd zaleant, tim porot adim roitalim toxim roilim zalear ami 2021 mhollear jevnna khannache babtint khub sontoxi astele. Hea kamak sorkari lab mellta to math porjek pavounk zai.

Ami amchea bhurgeank aplea paiamcher ubhe ravunk atanch xinkounk zai. Tannim atanch svothacho dhondo suru korpachim pavlam marlear borea faideachem zatlem. 2021 mhollear mhojea ganvant mhojea ganvant St. Joseph’s iscol assa tem collejiche dorjek pavtelem toxinch herr technical iscolam astolim hanthunt matui dubav nam. Oxem zal’lear amchim bhurgim jim ganv soddun xharamni vetat tim aplea ganvantuch xikxonn gheunk xhoktolim.

Ami Chandorkar soglle ekuch mhonn ami amcho ekvott samballunk zai. Ami Chandorkar, Kovddikar vo Girdolkar mhonn amchea modhem vegllochar korunk favo na. Ami tonddar fulam mallun fatlean kantte toptat toslem dhoronn bondh korunk zai. Hem oxem zalem zalear 2021 mhollear amkam hath ditolo konnuch aschona.

Ek math hanv khatren sangunk xhoktam anik tem mhollear mhojea ganvant hem bhailem loskor bhitor sorlam anik sorot assa thi ek usko korpa sarki goxtt. Mhojea ganvant jo muslim vaddo zala vo amcher thapla, tanchea lokachi sonkea vaddoth assa thi 2021 mhollear chear-panch vantteani vaddtoli. Moddganvchea Moti-Dongra bhaxen tanchim ghoram ollbim koxim choddot ani vaddoth assat. Tedna mhollear tanche vangddi vo panch amchea panchayatant toiar astolo. Aiz ami amkam od’dear hath marun ami gaunkar mhontat zalear faleam the aponnui gaumkar mhonntole. Sod’deak tor the mhonnttatuch. Tanche laguim ration card dhorun sogle gorjeche daklle assat anik the tankam sompeponnim melltat. Mhoje nodren tor the gaunkar zalech nhoim?

Aiz tanchem ek mosjid toyair zalam, 2021 mhollear anikui tanchim mosjidam toiar zatolim. Aiz veta thoim musolmanachi ximiter bhanduk addkolli podtat, pun faleam 2021 mhollear thi amchea Chandorchea ganvant zali zalear konnech ojeap zaumchem nhoim. Mhojea monant hanga borounk zaitench sizta pun kitem borounchem tench sozmona. Chintna pautat pun hath pavonant oxem kitem zata kai dista. Punn kiteim zaum 2021 mhollear mhojea ganvant jem kitem zatlem tem borench zatlem mhonn hanv adim fuddench ass bhallgitam. Amkam nhoim tor amche fuddle pillgek tori sovostkaien hea ganvant ravonk tuzo kurpecho axirvad hea ganvcher ghal saiba. Oxench zaum.

Jose Menino Fernandes



2021-ant Mhozo Ganv Chandor

Eka kallar mhozo ganv Chandor, Kadamba rajvoktechi rajdhani asli. Kushawati nodiche kinarer aslolea mhozea ganvant akhea zogacho lok ietalo. Arabiantle ghodde toxech Europache torekvor vostu Chandorchean Bharotant bhitor sortaleo. Punn zoxi Kushawati nodint rebod vaddot gelem tosoch mhozo ganvcho valor dhenvot ghelo ani aiz Chandor, fokot ek itihasik ganv mhonn pacharlolo zata. Kall bodlot ghelo and tech borobor mhozo ganv bodlot ghelo. Kadamba rajamni apli rajvot bodolli ani Chandrant ganvkarponn ailem. Tea uprant Purtugez aile and mhojea ganvcho choddso lok Christanv zalo. Hea kallant ek mhotvachi gozall mhonnge mhojea ganvantlean relve geli ani tachem ex istaxon mhojea ganvant bandlem. Purtugezank Goenche bhair ghatlea uprant Bharotachi lokxahi mhojea ganvant labli. Lokanchim progotti korunk mhonn zaiteo ievzonneo lagoileo. Punn khorench amchea lokanchem borem zalam? Amche mhagaxil’le lok azun toxech asat. Zaticher adharlolim vadeamnchi nanvam boddoleam zait, punn thoim vosti korteleank ami azun adlech nodren poletat.

Lokxahi labrear vorsam zalim ani hea vorsamni mhozo ganv zaitoch bodol’la. Boreak kai vaitak hacher vichar korcho asa. Mhojea ganvant haroz asa tori-i punn choddxea xetamni ekui pik zainam. Mhojea ganvant tollem ani hodare asat, torui tantunt masli vadonam. Mhojea ganvant zoreo asat, punn tancho vapor zainam. Adlea kallar zori pordesi Goant Chandorchean bhitor sortale zalear aiz Goeant pordesi poriotok ietat tankam Chandrant haddpachi goroz asa. Eke vatten Kushawati nodi zalear baki vattamni asleleo dongorleo, ganvchim varear doltelim panchvi char xetam, vadea vadeamni aslelim sobit sundor ghoram and tantunt vosti kortele amche mogall Chandorche bhav bhoinim, amchi tollim ani zoreo — his sogllim mhozea ganvcheo girestkai ji poriottank gull korunk xoktat.

Aiz Goeanchea lokam modem ek novem vattavoron toiar zalam. Susegad Goenkar atam zagrut zala ani aplea ganvant koslem sudarop ani kosle prokolp zai tacher aple vichar ugttaunk lagleat. Tantuntuch lokanchea magnneak man divunk sorkaranui lokanchem mott kolluvun ghevpachem tarailem ani hakach lagun 2021 vorsant Goem koxem aschem hem lokam koddlean zannunv ghevunk ganvam ganvamnim bhasa bhas zateli.

Zannkaramni dil’lea arakadea pormonnem, mhozea ganvche xezarche ganv zoxe porim San Jose de Areal, Curtorim and Kushawatiche polttodi aslolem Xelvonn 202, vorsant vhoddlim xaram zatlim. Tech borobor, Kepem xarant Manipala sarkhem ek poriottokam khatir khas ospitol suchoilam. Hacho orth ho ki, mhozea ganvam bhonvtomnim vhoddlim xaram ani tea xaramni astoleo vhoddleo imaroti ani tea imarotint ravtole zaite lok zantunt Goenkar bhov thodde astele.

Oslem poristhitint mhozea ganvchem kitem zatlem? Ek nanvostik inglez kovite sarkhe amche fuddem don roste asat. Ek, hea nove xaramnim kam korpi lokank ravunk amchea ghanvant suvidhaio toiar kournk. Akhrek mhozo ganv Chandor modem asa ani tache bhonvtomni Curtorim, San Jose de Areal vo Xelvonn asa. Chandorchean hea xaramni provas korunk pois nhoim. Hakach lagun amchea-i ganvant imaroti toiar korun tantunt hea gavamnim kam kortolea lokank vosro korunk amchea divum ieta. Punn ho marg ami apnailo zalear amchea ganvchem rup ani akar sarkoch bodolto. Poile suvater mollam asat thoim imaroti ietole. Xetank varear dholunk varemnch aschenam. Amchea ganvant Konknni chodxi aikunk mellchi nam, tech borobor amchea ganvant gann ani ghuttan ani chodd korun plastikachem produrxonn. Punn tache bodlek amkam zaite poixe melltele — te poixe kitle temp urtele tem mat khobor nam.

Dusro rosto zo thoddo khottin asa to zavun asa amche ganvchem ganvponn asa toxench dovrunk. Punn hacho orth ho nhoim ki amchea ganvant progotti zavchi nam vo tantunt ravtolea lokanchea jivitachi sudarop zanvchem nam. Amchea ganvant girestkai asa tacho tor ami favo te porim upeog kelo zalear mhozo ganv Chandor hea xezarchea xharamni ravtolea lokank ek visog ghevpacho zago zavunk zata. Ani hem titlem khottin nhoi kiteak akhea sonvsarant xaramni ravtole lok, nisorgan bhorlele vathar soddunk hanga thoim bhonvtat. Mhozea ganvank tor nisorgan khub dennim dil’lim asat fokot tanchi durusthi korpachi goroz asa.

Amchea dongor asat tancher thoddim bhov zhaddam rovun, tantunk paim-vatto keleo zalear, dongrachi bhonvdhi korunk zata. Zankam cholunk tras zatat tankam ghoddeam ghadio dovrunk ieta. Hatunt ganvchea tornatteank aplo khasgi dhondo korunk sondhi melltoli. Mhozea ganvchem voilem tollem, poriottank visov ghenvcho ek sorg korunk zata. Thoim thoddim voddim ghalun ek jevnna ghor ubharlear, anikui ganvchea lokank ganvant vevsai korpachi sondhi melltoli. Amche je hondare asat te uspunn tantunt nustem poslear amkanch faido zatolo — tajem nustem mellchem mellun, khub lokank kam melltelm. Mhozea ganvant ek vholl asa, to uspun tache dhodder amcheamni ek bandh korunk zata zacher lokank pasoik vochun sovlot melteli. Amcheo zoreo asat, zanv ti Zitlem vo Modlem vo Igorjebhatant asa ti — teo sambhallun nisorgachem dennem lokank amcheam divunk zatelem. Punn hem sogllem korunk lokancho sohokar zai ani tech porim amche nivdun kadlole protinidhinchem monn bodlunk zai. Hem amim kelem zalear 2021 vorsant mhozo Chandor ganv khorench vhodd zavunk pavtolo.