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Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party held

Christmas fatherGanv Bhavancho Ekvott held its flagship programme, the Christmas Party for Senior Citizens on 19th December 2023 at the spacious hall of Chandor Club premises.



Crowd Johncrowd

This was the 15th year this project was held and had a record of around 300 senior citizens enjoying the Christmas spirit. Initially, this party used to be held in the open space behind the Chandor Church in the school premises.

Game(Game and Bottle game) It was truly a fun time as there were games in which those gathered participated enthusiastically. Two games were organised for the senior citizens – Passing the Hat and Bottle Game for which the prize was won by Curcino Gonsalves from Bachar.

(same couple and Sita) Besides, there was dancing galore to the music provided by Jalin with his one man band who also sang a few songs. GBE members Anthony Pereira also sang quite a few songs while Domnick Mendes accompanied in some singing. Some of the attendees got together on the spur of the moment to sing some Christmas carols calling themselves Friends of Chandor.

(Singers and singers 2) Some senior citizens also sang including Domingo from Guirdolim who has been singing every year since this project started. Some of the other singers were a young girl Jalvi Furtado, senior citizens Aida Antao, Consesano Vales and Minguel Costa while Domnick Peixote entertained the crowd with his mouth organ.

(Pereirqa) GBE member Anthony Pereira was the joy of the party as he kept everybody’s spirits up with his comering beyond compare and his magnificent singing

(Celina dancing) Chandor-Cavorim Sarpanch Estefanio Dias and former Sarpanch Celina Coelho Furtado also attended the party with the former Sarpanch even dancing. Panchayat member Fiel Babazinho Dias is also a member of GBE.

(Darwin, Arnaldo, spot prize, prize 10) There were many spot prizes given with GBE’s founder Treasurer and the in-house quizmaster asking various questions. Retired teacher Arnaldo Antao and Antonio Rosario Pereira won the spot prizes for questions related to Goa’s Liberation.

Some other prize winners

(Prize 9) Nelly Gomes from Cavorim bagged the prize for wearing maximum colours of Christmas Father’s costume.

(Fr speaking) Parish Priest of the twin villages Fr Jean Ruby da Cruz e Fernandes who graced the party while stating the God loves everyone as if there is only one person to love, lauded GBE for giving their time and attention to the senior citizens.

(Domnick) During the party GBE also felicitated the only person from the twin villages of Chandor-Cavorim and Guirdolim who was conferred with the Rex Karamveer Chakra Bronze medal in recognition of his business acumen and social work and that was none other than GBE member Domnick Mendes.

(Housie) To encourage people to attend the whole party, it began with a game of housie where Rs. 5,000 was given away as a prize to the winner and this went to Vimal Albuquerque.

(Prize 6 and Senior most male) Two ladies shared the prize for the senior most women at the party while Minguel Joao Antao aged 97 was beyond doubt the senior most male present.

(GBE dancing) In recognising the tireless efforts of the GBE members to make this programme a success a special song was played with them taking to the floor.

(President) GBE President while proposing the vote of thanks appreciated the efforts put in by the members to make this flagship programme a success. He specially thanked founder member John Douglas Coutinho for not only his help but also for being the guiding light of the organisation.

(Serving lunch and having lunch) The party ended with lunch that was served to the seated senior citizens in the old manner personally by GBE members without using waiters and lunch comprised of par boiled rice and biryani rice with vegetable khorma, brinjal, bitter gourd and gourd along with mutton, chicken, fish caldine and dry fish kismoor.

(Fruit display) Fruits were served for dessert which were very beautifully arranged on a side table.

(Prize 2 and 3) As the guest were leaving the venue, GBE members turned Santa Claus to give them a Christmas Gift.


(Registration) At the very entrance of the hall a registration desk was set up to note the names of those attending the party.