Thrilling Discover Goa 2022
After a hiatus of two years due to the pandemic, Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott very successfully held its much awaited and very adventurous programme for members and their families, namely Discover Goa. The Project Manager Jose Coutinho truly organised a very memorable adventure for the participants and he was ably assisted by the new General Secretary Francis Coutinho who were backed by founder member and former President John Douglas Coutinho.
In all 36 people participated in this adventure which was held on 10th and 11th September. Quite a number of the participants were new members who went on this trip for the first time and verily enjoyed it. Besides, many came with their family members including children and all travelled in eight four wheelers. Incidentally, this time the focus was on visiting museums and also a beer brewery functioning in Goa.
The programme kicked off on 10th September at 8:15 am, from the band stand of the Chandor Church with former General Secretary and a senior member Basil Fernandes praying to the Lord for a good and safe journey.
The first place to visit was the historical Patriarchal Seminary of Rachol and Good Shepherd Institute of Philosophy and Theology more commonly called Rachol Seminary where Diocesan priests get their final initiation to lead the flock.
Fr. Alexio Menezes who greeted the visitors, explained the historical importance of the institute and revealed some hidden jewels existing in the seminary. He revealed that one of the four telescopes prepared by Galileo was brought to this institute by the Jesuits.
Seeing the various artefacts some of which are more than 100 years old was truly fascinating. That they remain in working condition and are in such pristine and mint condition is credit to the hard work of those maintaining them for all these years. It was a great delight to see the “Pipe Organ” one of its kind, and listen to the heavenly music emanating from it. The highlight was when Vaugan, son of GBE member Diogo, got an opportunity to play on it, an experience that will be cherished for eternity. Moved by the manner in which the artefacts are maintained and appreciating the patience and dedication with which the work is done at this humungous place, GBE donated Rs. 5,000/-.
Leaving Rachol, the group headed to Old Goa to visit the Museum of Christian Art. Natasha Fernandes, Curator of this museum kept everyone on their toes by showing the various artefacts some of which are from the 16th century. It was indeed noteworthy for most that the artefacts had a brilliant amalgamation of different cultures including a very harmonious blend of Western and Indian. The visitors saw some amazing carvings and statues made of ivory that were there in some of the churches in Goa, displayed eloquently at the museum.
Some of the marvellous artefacts including ivory carvings and statues and a step climber to help the elderly and disabled displayed at the Christian Art Museum
After visiting this museum, it was time for a break to have the dry lunch prepared by GBE members Alzira, Serena, Sebastiana and Irene. They prepared delicious croquettes, tuna sandwiches, fish cones and beef roast. Alzira sponsored the fish cones and tuna sandwiches, Serena sponsored the croquette and Irene sponsored the beef roast in bread. And while Darwin provided the bread, Minush got the water to quench the thirst. For dessert there was bhatk and carrot cake, which was sponsored by Sebastiana. After quelling the growling bellies, it was back on the road and this time to visit the Indian Customs and Central Excise Museum at Panjim or Panaji as it is now called.
This museum which is the first of its kind had on display many items seized by the Customs and Excise Department at the sea port and airport in Goa. A tour of the museum took one hour and all were tired and hungry thus necessitating a quick dash to the famous Bhosle restaurant in the State’s capital for some snacks and invigorating tea.
Some of the items seized by Customs at Goa Port and Airport on display
With the energies re-charged, it was a dash to the next place of visit, namely the beer brewery operated by Goa Brewing Company at Sangolda. The CEO Suraj Shenai took the visitors on a tour of the brewery housed in a quaint Portuguese era house. The visitors learned a lot about the ingredients used and their importance and also the whole processes to prepare this ‘drink that cheers’ as it is said. The Eight Finger Eddie beer brewed here is acknowledged to be one of the best beers in the country. They also brew the well-known People’s Lager.
The visit to the brewery ended with the adult visitors desiring so, being given one beer to taste and a fresh oven baked pizza as chakna, to use the popular Hindi word. As GBE was not charged anything for visiting the brewery, a donation of Rs. 5,000/- was given to the management. Feeling refreshed and in a cheery mood now, it was time to head for Resort Miranda Daurada at Baga in Calangute to spend the night wher4e 17 rooms were booked.
After freshening up at the luxurious resort, it was time to gather again for a jam session where GBE in house minstrel Anthony Pereira was sorely missed. However all gathered participated wholeheartedly singing their hearts out with Domnic Mendes providing the music with his beat box. The mouths were not only busy singing but also kept drinking and munching and also exchanging some prized gossip. The singing continued till the hotel staff permitted and had to wind up so that other guests would not be disturbed.
The next day i.e. 11th September started with a wholesome breakfast that included South Indian buffet comprising idli and dosa besides also having deep fried bread, egg burgi (the spicy Indian version of scrambled eggs without the milk), bread with butter and jam, cornflakes and curds.
The group left the resort at 10:30 am to visit the All About Alcohol Museum where Armando Duarte gave a guided tour of the five room museum which included its own cellar to age the distilled Goa’s own native drink – the feni both coconut and cashew.
The tour began after a brief introduction to the origin of alcohol its importance specifying the notable features and importance of Goan feni. Besides, the different types of alcohol glasses were shown and their differences explained along with what glass is used to serve or consume which type of alcohol. The tour ended with the desirous grownups being given three shots of differently flavoured cashew feni.
With the taste of feni tingling in the throat it was time to visit the infamous Aguada Jail that has now been thrown open to visitors as it is no longer used as a jail but converted into a museum. It was a very pleasant surprise to note that entry to this jail turned museum is entirely free. After visiting this erstwhile jail where most of those who fought valiantly to rid Goa of the Portuguese yoke, it was time to have lunch. Incidentally GBE visitors were given a free entry because they spoke in Konkani proving that they are Goans.
For lunch there was delicious and hot chicken biryani brought all the way from Chandor by new member Marcus. After gorging the biryani, it was time to visit the Museum of Houses and Mario Miranda Gallery next door at Porvorim.
This Museum of Houses at Salvador do Mundo, is an amalgamation of the Konkani and Portuguese styles of architecture well displayed by the boat shaped house it is in. This amalgamation can be seen everywhere – in the doorways, the arches, the window grills, the mirrors, the furniture and even in the flowers and plants grown in the gardens. The museum tells the story of how architecture in Goa changed over the 450 years of Portuguese rule to give it an unique and distinct identity.
Some of the items and pictures displayed at the Museum of Houses
Next door is the Mario Miranda Gallery in honour of Goa’s legendary and well known cartoonist Mario Miranda whose cartoons made Goan lifestyle and culture world famous. Although next to the Museum of Houses, the Mario Miranda Gallery is in another village namely, Penha da Franca which also forms part of Porvorim.
There are a few life size statues of Mario’s creations besides his various cartoons, writings, interviews and photographs on display. The life size statues could definitely be more to give it a better feel. But what is truly enchanting is the gallery where different things like shirts, scarves, lamps, fridge magnets are available for quite a reasonable price.
After visiting these two places that brought about nostalgia and memories of the “good ole days”, it was time to return to the historic village and the programme ended with a thanksgiving prayer, once again at the Church bandstand.
Those who participated in this programme were: John Douglas Coutinho, Chotu, Diago with seven family members, Minush, Jose Coutinho, Francis Coutinho, Ezly Henriques, Serena Antao, Sebastiana, Irene Antao, Alvito, Suzie Pereira, Vincy, Francis Peixoto, Gidwan, Antonio Colaco, Basil Fernandes, Teophil with his wife, Domnic Mendes, Fiel alias Babazinho, Darwin with his wife Neomi and children Delora and Nikolai, Susane, Marin, Benu Coutinho, Brendan and Karen. They travelled in eight cars driven that were driven by Chotu, Brendan, Vincy, Domnic Mendes, Babazinho, Diago, Darwin and Francis Coutinho.
While this year all the participants travelled in four wheelers, earlier Discover Goa was done primarily on two wheelers as members were younger. However, due to advancing age and inclusion of family members that include children, the mode of transport has undergone a change. This year, the group missed Anthony Pereira who usually keeps everyone entertained with his singing. GBE past President Joe Antao who also used to entertain participants with his jokes and singing was also remembered. And while this year the focus was on museums, earlier GBE members visited the forts, islands, dams, springs, etc. in Goa and one year visited the UNESCO heritage site Hampi in neighbouring Karnataka.
The minstrels who were missed this time