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Chandor to host Heritage Festival annually

Chandor to host Heritage Festival annually

Chandor is likely to be the permanent host for an annual Heritage Festival disclosed MLA Yuri Alemao at a meeting held with the Village Development Committee members in the presence of Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation Officials. Disclosing that he has discussed developing Chandor as a heritage village with the chief minister twice, he said there was a need to have a heritage square in the village where the heritage festival can be held. While admitting that getting necessary No Objection Certificate from land owners could be a problem, he however assured that private interest of individuals will not be affected and added that some sacrifices may have to be made here and there. Strongly mooting for a road map to develop Chandor as a heritage...

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Chandor celebrates Feast of Epiphany

Chandor celebrates Feast of Epiphany

Feast of Epiphany was celebrated with great pomp and grandeur at Chandor on January 6 to commemorate the three Magi from far East, visiting Baby Jesus with their gifts to worship and adore him. While it is commonly called the Feast of Three Kings, that is an aberration as the Catholic Church does not have any such celebration. “The three Magi were pagans,” explained Fr Jean Ruby da Cruz e Fernandes, Parish Priest of Chandor. At Chandor it is officially the Feast of Our Lady of Bethlehem, the patron of the parish while at Cansaulim it is celebrated as the Feast of Our Lady of Remedios. Three youngsters from the village, namely Niel Jose Fernandes from Culsabhat, Johan Leander Mascarenhas from Marrod, Guirdolim and Jayden Cardozo from New Township represented...

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Twin Villagers join protest to protect Mhadei waters

Twin Villagers join protest to protect Mhadei waters

Nearly 115 people from the twin villages of Guirdolim and Chandor-Cavorim participated in the rally held at Sanquelim on 16th January 2923 to protest against the attempts to divert waters of River Mhadei to Karnataka. While 105 travelled to the venue in the three buses hired for the purpose, others travelled in their own vehicles.     Founder member and former President of Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott John Douglas Coutinho was up on the stage twice. Once for symbolically putting water in a bann kept on the stage to symbolize waters of all the rivers of Goa and secondly when the motion opposing the water diversion was being adopted. GBE General secretary Francis Coutinho along with members Jose Coutinho, Menino alias Minush Gomes, Gidwan D’Costa, Savio...

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Chandor Celebrates famed Feast of Epiphany

Chandor Celebrates famed        Feast of Epiphany

The feast of Epiphany more popularly called the feast of the Three Kings or Three Wise Men was celebrated with solemnity at the Church of Our Lady of Bethlehem with the associated pomp and grandeur. Three youngsters from the village, representing the three wise men from the East who visited Baby Jesus after his birth at Bethlehem descended from the chapel at the mount to reach the church at 10 am where the solemn high mass was celebrated with Parish Priest of Sancoale Church Fr. Kenneth Telles as the main celebrant. The three riding horses hired for the purpose from Goa itself this year, came down from the Mount in a solemn procession led by members of the confraria and accompanied by their family members and well wishers. The three youngsters were Maverick Dias...

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Twin villages cleaned to welcome Baby Jesus

Twin villages cleaned to welcome Baby Jesus

The twin villages of Guirdolim and Chandor-Cavorim look clean and pristine all ready to welcome Baby Jesus for Christmas thanks to a massive cleanliness drive undertaken by all the organisations operating the villages including the elected panchayat bodies and the Basic Christian Communities more commonly known as Somudais, of both Chandor and Guirdolim.             How it looked before cleaning                                                                                                                                                   How it looked after cleaning This first of its kind cleanliness drive initiated by Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott was held on 21st...

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Interacting with the Guirdolim, Chandor-Cavorim Village Panchayat members

Interacting with the Guirdolim, Chandor-Cavorim Village Panchayat members

Ganv Bhavancho Ekvott had a healthy interaction with members of the Guirdolim and Chandor-Cavorim Village Panchayats in the last threenmonths where various ideas aimed at making life easier for the inhabitants of the two villages were discussed. The Guirdolim panchayat agreed to undertake a survey of the migrants living in the village including those living in rental premises. This was decided upon in a bid to increase the revenue of the panchayat so that more funds can be collected to do more work in the village. The panchayat members disclosed that they are in the process of fitting up CCTV cameras at the hot spots in the village where people dump their garbage thus creating a mess and nuisance. Again this proposal was to increase the revenue as those dumping...

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